Gary Bewley

Author Bio


is a retired law enforcement officer and minister. A native of Barren County, Kentucky, he grew up and lives within two miles of the boyhood home of Rev. Henry Clay Morrison. Gary serves as president of the Morrison Park Camp-meeting Association and along with Nancy Richey led the restoration efforts at the park. In addition, Gary serves on the board of the Barren County Historical Society, and was pleased to be the initiator for the placement of a local monument honoring musician and Barren County native Billy Vaughn. Gary is also an artist and musician, and spends much time writing religious material to witness and share the truth of God’s word. Although many books have been written by, and about, Henry Clay Morrison, Gary felt there was a special need to emphasize and share with young readers the touching story of Morrison’s early life. This illustrated book, along with much local history, he believes, breathes new life into this 160-year-old story, and trusts it will be a great joy and witness to many young people for years to come.


Orphaned No More The Boyhood Story of Rev. Henry Clay Morrison
Price: $14.95

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