Alexandria Police Department

150th Anniversary Legacy Book

Retail Price: $55.00
The Alexandria Police Department has developed an all new full-color Legacy Book to celebrate its 150th Anniversary, What better way to capture the proud past and promising future of the APD family than through a collection of pictures and information that tell the story of this great agency and the men and women who protect the city of Alexandria, Virginia.
This 9×12-inch, hardbound “coffee-table” book  contains hundreds of historic and modern photos of civilian and uniformed personnel, 150 years of historical highlights, full-color portrait photos, personal experience stories by active staff and retirees, an In Memoriam tribute to officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice, Division and Unit highlights and group shots, and much more!




Book Details
Pages: pages
Product Dimensions: 9" x 12"
Cover Type: Hardcover
Case Quantity:

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