THERE ARE MANY important jobs in this world. Some have extraordinary levels of pressure and responsibility associated with those roles, even to the point of delicately balancing life or death in performing the given task, for both themselves and that of others. But here, although perhaps not physically hazardous work, few jobs have the extraordinary pressure of a Bible translator, aptly handling the very word of God.
It is just such a position that Barclay Newman found himself, leading a team of Biblical language scholars in their bold efforts to create the Contemporary English Version of the Holy Bible. His many years of study and experience in the field would be truly preparatory and absolutely essential, as well as his experience as a missionary and translator around the world in scores of different countries and cultures, as he embarked on creating a new and accessible translation of ancient scriptures that would enlighten and inspire today’s reader. But could they get it right! A mistake could have eternal consequences in the soul of a man or woman.
Newman’s own wife and ministerial associate, Jean Butler Newman, has expertly told the fascinating, behind-the-scenes story of what is takes for a man, so prepared by God for this critical labor, to follow in the footsteps of centuries of translators of the Holy Bible, many of whom lost their lives for doing so, and to perform this monumental mission with scholastic integrity and spiritual purity in creating a work beneficial to his fellow man. Read and be inspired.
Praise for Born to Translate…
“…I have just completed this book—What a treasure! I had trouble taking time to eat and sleep. The book is so readable and
inspiring. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.”
—Doyle (Doc) Kinder
“My dad has had more fun in his life than any human ought to be allowed; he is still a lot of fun… I must admit that this volume is well written, informative and honest… full of love for all people everywhere.”
—Dana Newman
“Knowing the man before this book appeared has helped now to create far greater appreciation for both. The central theme in the life of the man and story in this book is a profound, actionable love for God, God’s Word and humankind.”
—Paul and Jan Bass
Proceeds from the sale of this book will also help other communities and organizations preserve their history through Our American Heritage Project, a non-profit organization.
About The Author
Book Details
Author: Jean Butler NewmanProduct Dimensions: 6” x 9”
ISBN: 978-1-948901-11-6
Cover Type: Hardcover
Case Quantity: