D-Day Japan

The Truth About the Invasion of Japan, its War Crimes, and the Atomic Bomb

Retail Price: $24.95

D-Day Japan – V-J Day – The Atom Bomb: there is only a small part of the poorly recorded, distorted and obliterated history of World War II in Asia and the Pacific. This book shows the unbelievable loss of life and horrors of what would have been D-Day in Japan, which was prevented by the atomic bomb, and V-J Day well before D-Day Japan. The atom bomb was 100% correct, and this book tells you why. It ended the rape, torture, killing contests, cannibalism, and murder of 30,000,000 civilian men, women and children by the Japanese. This true account of history tells you why all Americans should have a clear conscience about the bomb.

Book Details
Author: General Raymond Davis, Judge Dan Winn
Pages: 224 pages
Product Dimensions: 6x9
ISBN: 978-1-935001-16-4
Cover Type: Hardcover
Case Quantity:

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