The Kentucky State Police is proud to announce the release of the all new Commemorative Book celebrating our agency’s 75th Anniversary and honoring our members, past and present. This hardbound commemorative “coffee-table” book includes hundreds of photographs and memories that fully illustrate what it means to be a member of the KSP family.
What better way to capture KSP’s proud past and promising future than through a collection of pictures and information that, combined, tell the story of this great agency and of the people who made it what it is today? The publisher and KSP’s anniversary book committee were committed to making our album a comprehensive and professional publication of which all our members, sworn and civilian, active and retired, will be proud to own.
This 9×12-inch, hardbound “coffee-table” book is printed in full-color and contain hundreds of historic and modern photos of civilian and uniformed personnel. It also includes photographic portraits of department members, as well as candid and action photos.
Book Details
Product Dimensions: 9" X 12"
ISBN: 978-1-956027-51-8
Cover Type: Hardcover
Case Quantity: