Descended from a long line of Shelby County homesteaders, Herbert Lee Clark lived his entire life near Harrisonville, Kentucky. A stone mason by trade, he was also a well-known fiddle player, handyman, and farmer who believed in the “old ways” of self-sufficiency and hard work.
Old-Time Kentucky Farmsteading Ways and Means provides information and instructions for traditional farmsteading, taken from journals Clark recorded in the 1970s and 1980s. Included are tips for constructing buildings, keeping animals healthy, growing food crops, using natural medicines and treatments, and other do-it-yourself solutions for every day needs.
This is the perfect book for anyone who wants to use the tools and methods that have been passed down for generations throughout rural communities.
About The Author
Joanne K. GuilfoilIllustrator Joanne K. Guilfoil completed an art degree at the University of Kentucky and taught art there and at Eastern Kentucky University. She lived for many years in Rockcastle County, KY and drew this book’s illustrations from life at Herbert Lee Clark’s farmstead in Harrisonville, KY. Joanne now lives in the state of Delaware.
Book Details
Author: Louis S. DeLucaProduct Dimensions: 5.5" X 8.5"
ISBN: 978-1-956027-83-9
Cover Type: Soft cover
Case Quantity: