Riverside County Fire Department

2026 Commemorative Yearbook

Retail Price: $59.95

Riverside County Fire Department  is proud to announce that work has begun on an all new commemorative yearbook to celebrate our department’s rich history and honor all members, past and present. This hardbound, full-color “coffee-table” book will include hundreds of photographs and memories that fully illustrate what it means to be a member of the RVCFD family. 

What better way to capture RVCFD’s proud past and promising future than through a collection of pictures and information that, combined, tell the story of this great department and of the people who made it what it is today? This 9×12-inch, hardbound book will be printed in full-color and contain hundreds of historic and modern photos of civilian and uniformed personnel. It will also include a detailed history of the department from 1946-2026; In Memoriam tribute to fallen firefighters; Division, Unit, and Station pages; professional portraits of department members and retirees; and much more! 

This book is being sold in advance to RVCFD members, retirees and their families. Since the yearbook will be a limited edition publication, the number of books printed will be based upon the number of copies ordered in advance. Therefore, you are encouraged to place your order today!


Riverside County Fire Department

Retiree Biography


    Personal Data (Note: your contact information will not appear in the book )

  • Fire Division Service

  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 300 MB.
      If you have already written your Biography, upload it here.
    • Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 300 MB.
        Upload your optional “then and now” photos using the browse button above
      • General Information (Optional )


      Pay for extra photos here

      Pay for extra words here


      Book Details
      Pages: To be determined pages
      Product Dimensions: 9" x 12"
      ISBN: Pre-sale Basis Only
      Cover Type: Hardcover
      Case Quantity:

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