Stand Tall Little Twig is a delightful story of Twig, a young sapling, who is planted in his forever home and grows into a tall, mighty oak tree. Through the years the reader sees Twig grow big and tall from season to season, while the birds perch among his leaves, deer eat his acorns, and a little boy swings from his branches. The story is brought to life by the beautiful watercolor imagery of Tammy Jennings. It is a wonderful tale of nature and discovery suitable for children of all ages.
Proceeds from the sale of this book will also help other communities and organizations preserve their history through Our American Heritage Project, a non-profit organization.
About The Author
Tammy Jenningsis an artist and digital illustrator living in St. Louis, Missouri. As a child, she devoured comic books and spent time drawing her favorite characters with colored pencils. Later, she picked up a paintbrush and began working in acrylics. Since then, she has created over 300 custom pieces for the needs of individual clients, with commissioned paintings in multiple states across the country. While Tammy finds inspiration in imaginary worlds, pets and nature, her family is her greatest joy. This is Tammy’s first children’s book.
Book Details
Author: Mary Ann FeatherstonProduct Dimensions: 8.5" X 11"
ISBN: 978-1-956027-94-5
Cover Type: Hardcover
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